Black Friday Deal: Get 1 month of DashThis For Free

Offered by, in collaboration with Dashthis

Digital marketing reporting dashboard

Let us help you automate your marketing reporting

If you're a new client, take advantage of our special offer and get Dashthis for free for a full month!

Here’s how it works:

  • For monthly plans, you get 50% off your 2 first months.
  • For yearly plans, you get a 1/12 discount on the total discounted yearly plan.

SEO report template step 1 Step 1

Sign up for a free trial with Dashthis, without even adding your credit card.

Step 2 Step 2

Reach out to [email protected] or your dedicated product specialist, mentioning the deal, and we’ll apply the discount to your account. 

Step 3 Step 3

Automate your marketing reporting with Dashthis! Create, edit and share your reports, easily. 

Make sure to reach out to us before subscribing to any paid plan because we need to apply the deal before you join!

Try DashThis Now

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the black friday Dashthis promotion?

Get a 1 free month discount on any DashThis plan.

For monthly plans, you get 50% off your first two months.

For yearly plans, you get a 1/12 discount on the total discounted yearly plan.

How do I claim the offer?

Sign up for a free trial and contact [email protected] or the product specialist associated with your account mentioning the deal, and we’ll apply the discount to your account. 

Make sure to reach out to us before subscribing to any paid plan because there won’t be any refund, and we need to apply the deal before you subscribe to get your discount.


Is this promotion available to all clients?

The discount is limited to new subscriptions only. Once you sign up, contact us to take advantage of your free month. 

How long will this promotion be available for?

This offer is available November 20th - December 6th, 2024.

Which Dashthis plan should I choose?

We offer various plans depending on your reporting needs. They start at three dashboards with unlimited data sources starting at 42$ per month. See our pricing page to see all our plans.

Can I get a personalized live demo?

Of course! If you are shopping for a reporting tool and you want to have a personalized live demo, simply select your favorite time here. 

Reporting features to save you hours of work

Our easy-to-use reporting dashboard lets you track and report on all the KPIs and performance metrics for your projects, from SEO to social media to email marketing in less time than it takes you to brew your morning coffee.

Take a quick video tour of DashThis!

With DashThis, you can save hours of work and streamline your reporting! How? Look at our short Product Tour to learn about all our most useful features and services!

Watch the video
Digital Marketing reporting dashboard

Get Started Today!

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Made in Canada

DashThis is a brand owned by Moment Zero inc

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