Web Agencies: How to Build Recurring Revenue

Web Analytics Recurring Revenue

From agency owners, business owners, to web design agencies and digital agencies, we all want one thing: getting good recurring revenue. 


But it's not as easy as just putting your website on Google and Boom! Getting new customers! 


There are multiple different ways to get new recurring revenue, and new clients, let's look at some of them.


Don't just create a website and call it a day.


Make sure you stay in contact with your clients and offer after-sale services. By keeping contact with your clients, you will be able to upsell them with new services, and hopefully new monthly fees, that will convert into new recurring revenue streams for your business.


So make sure to call your clients once in a while and ask if maybe they would need other services you offer. 


Sell add-ons and other services.


You can add to your toolbox some hosting services, content creation, search engine optimization, social media services, etc. 


Depending on your business model and current services, you can offer multiple different services that will compliment yours and add to your cash flow. 


If you currently don't have the manpower to offer such services, you can always recruit freelancers to help you out. 


You can get recurring revenue streams by offering multiple different services, may it be SEO, or if you're a digital marketing agency and this is your jam; social media management, building an e-commerce platform, or offering other marketing services. 


Selling marketing services, management services, or website maintenance is also a great way to create recurring revenue. 


Sell your expertise


You have a lot of knowledge in your field, so take advantage of it by offering white papers or paid educational content. 


For example, you could sell courses on how to use WordPress website plugins, how to use Linkedin to promote your business, some courses about email marketing, or social media management, etc. 


It really depends on what services you do sell, and the type of courses that would help your audience, and help you sell more of your services. 


Of course, if you build WordPress websites, or do web design, a course on how to create your own website might not be the best idea, however, you could sell SEO courses or social media courses for example. 


Save time on top of it 


But all these new services and customer service calls are taking time, how can you make more time to work on these projects? Easy, you can simply automate your reports with DashThis


No matter the type of marketing strategy, may it be search engine optimization, link building, content marketing, lead generation, email marketing, you can track everything on a monthly basis, without the usual time-consuming copy-pasting from all your different platforms. 


You can also save a lot of time by using our preset report templates, already filled with all the most important KPIs.



And if you want to have a recurring revenue without the effort of offering recurring services, just join our affiliate program, each client you bring, you'll have a 20% commission on their account and upsells (like white-label reports or any add-ons), talk about a recurring revenue model!


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