We're now part of the LinkedIn Marketing Partners Program

Linkedin marketing report in DashThis

There are those days, ones you remember, when something amazing happens. Today, is one of those days.


It’s official: we’ve been included in the LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program as a Marketing Analytics partner!


Yeah. We were excited too.


Including LinkedIn Ads in DashThis

You might remember, LinkedIn Ads was added back in May as our newest, long-awaited integration.


When we got word that our application to get access to the API was finally approved, the office was in a frenzy.


The morning that we found out, when our founder got the email, he announced it to everyone, and then ran over to the product owner to see how to get things going as quickly as possible. The product owner came into the marketing and partnerships department to make sure we talked to the right people at LinkedIn.


Once we got everything together and the right contacts, our development department got the ball rolling. In reality, it seems like they had been waiting with bated breath for just this moment, because in only 2 weeks – from the founder’s email until the end of development – we had a beta version of the integration up and running and ready to show LinkedIn.


We’ve never been prouder of our team collaboration as when we integrated with LinkedIn’s Marketing Analytics APIs.


Proof that when you put your mind to something, and when you reaaaaally want Linkedin Ads badly enough, awesome things can happen.


And this… is what truly got the ball rolling with our next big step: being included in LinkedIn’s new Marketing Partner Program.



A Digital Marketing Essential

LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms around; no contest, it’s the largest professional network on the Internet today.


This makes it an extremely powerful tool when it comes to digital marketing. Through its platform, you can target your audience by job title, function, industry, and professional interests. Especially if you’re in a B2B business, you’d be hard pressed to find a more efficient channel through which to diffuse your marketing content to your target audience.


DashThis already enables seamless access to all your campaign data from a multitude of sources, including both LinkedIn Company Pages and LinkedIn Ads. But now, as part of the new LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program, we’ve made it even easier for marketers to find us in the first place!


Looking to automate your LinkedIn marketing reporting process with a simple yet powerful tool?


Want your LinkedIn data, from your business page to your ad campaigns (and maybe, dare we say it, data from every other social media campaign you run) in the same place?


That’s why we’re here. That’s what we do.


Create your awesome LinkedIn report with us!

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