Add Your Agency Markup to Adwords / Bing Cost

Adding markup to adwords

adwords agency markup

One of the most frequent need among our clients, many of whom are Web agencies doing a lot of Paid Search Marketing in Adwords and Bing, is to add their markup on Adwords / Bing cost. Obviously, this is so they can report on the real cost the client pay, not the price Adwords charge.

For example, let’s say an online marketing agency charges a 15% markup to create and manage its clients online ad campaigns. An Adwords campaign that cost 1000$ would be billed 1150$ to the client when the markup is included.

We added some widgets that include a standard 15% markup. Those are:

  • Cost Per Click + 15% markup
  • Cost Per Lead + 15% markup
  • Cost + 15% markup

It’s also possible to get your own widgets with your own markup. It could be 35%, 5% or even a flat fee like 200$ or 1000$.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need custom KPIs that display Adwords or Bing cost plus your agency markup.

» Create a dashboard with Adwords / Bing cost plus your agency markup

Stéphane Stéphane Guérin

Stéphane has been working on business web projects for more than 15 years. After creating and selling numerous web marketing agencies and web apps, he founded DashThis in 2011. 

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