Create a Social Media Dashboard for Google Analytics in Less Than a Minute

Social Media Dashboard for Google Analytics

We added a new template to create a great Social Media Executive Dashboard for Google Analytics in less than a minute. It’s no magical lamp, but it’s a great start to keep track of your Social Media strategy with easy to understand KPIs for Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, YouTube and Feedburner.


And remember, all templates can be updated or modified at your own taste whenever you want.


» Get your Google Analytics Social Media Dashboard right now


What are the metrics included in the Social Media Dashboard template?


All visits

It gives you the global performance context of your online business


Visits ratio from Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Youtube and Feedburner

The percentage of visits coming from any of these social networks


Conversion rate (Ratio of visitors that carried out a goal) for Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn

It gives you the global conversion of visitors who carried out any goal you have configured in Google Analytics.


» See an example of a Social Media Dashboard for Google Analytics
» Get your Google Analytics Social Media Dashboard right now
» Check out our other Executive Dashboard templates


We hope you like it. Don’t hesitate to leave us your thoughts and comments.

Stéphane Stéphane Guérin

Stéphane has been working on business web projects for more than 15 years. After creating and selling numerous web marketing agencies and web apps, he founded DashThis in 2011. 

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