Factors Affecting Successful SEO Reporting

seo reporting

SEO reporting is not just about merging data and making it look presentable and understandable, but must be able to indicate real statistics, progress and allow for in-depth, useful analysis. It must be able to help reach organic search goals, show new opportunities and possible competition threats. It must be able to reflect your SEO strategy and find out the impact of the efforts of making the SEO report on your company’s web presence. It must include a project overview, all work that have been completed, keyword progress and its impact on driving traffic to your site, goals met and sales if any. DashThis has all these fully covered and therefore presents a very successful and effective SEO reporting that will get you to the highest ranks. A successful SEO reporting includes these important factors:


1. Setting Drive Action Items and Achievable Metrics


Outlining monthly metrics that can be reached realistically is a good gauge of how far you have gone and other important factors that you have to improve or focus on. Remember that SEO is a continuous process and setting action items can keep you relevant and on top of the competition. Some of the key metrics worth mentioning to assist with action items are Keywords in Position that are sorted by Top to Bottom Converter. You may do some added keyword research in order to understand and identify other search terms that are related to your SEO, including some longer-tailed terms or variations. These keywords are also important in testing engagement when you include them in offsite or onsite content. You may be surprised when the results come in that they perform well, so make the extra effort.


Optimization of your web pages according to ranking well and beyond page one of the key phrases in question. You will definitely wish to have the same ranking as the first page, so check the one behind and see what else can be improved to have better ranking. You can also do well by checking on some new content that are being ranked and indexed. See carefully what pages on your website can be optimized even further in this regard. When you see that conversions increase for that one page, then it is wise that a whole content campaign be created just for that specific keyword. When you identify one such phrase in your site, you may invest on additional budget to work on executing and creating the content campaign as soon as possible.


2. Setting Conversions in Analytics and Goals


There are many tools available for you- Coremetrics, Omniture, Google Analytics and more. Do the work that is needed and think of goals that you would like to achieve. It is time to see yourself asking “what is my website all about and what is a successful visit for me?”. Looking at all the charts and reports may mislead and confuse you, but here are 2 of the best indicators on what a successful keyword does:


Two plus pages Visited- Much like Time on Page, a visitor that checks two or more pages can be an indication that he or she is interested and quite engaged with the content of the website. When you uncover the keyword that they used or searched for before landing on your website are clues that will help you discover and know which keywords are “hot”, and which unbranded ones you should include to further optimize the website.


Time on Page metric- Seeing how long a particular visitor stays on your website is also a clue that will help you convert more in the near future. A good indication is that when a visitor stays more than 2 to 3 minutes. You may then check and see what keyword was used and the relevance of it matched the content that your website provided. 2 to 3 minutes is a healthy assumption that the keyword and the content are engaging and very relevant.


There are other advanced goals that you may set up once you get the hang of setting a goal for your website. Stay on top by checking for opportunities and keywords that are high in conversion, add them to the monthly report and then follow up by creating offsite and SEO onsite content for that particular keyword.


3. Setting Benchmarks


Emphasizing on setting goals and benchmarks are paramount and they cannot be left out if you wish to stay important and successful. Focusing not only on goals but also being consistent is one of the best qualities that you can provide the website. Benchmarks are created to show how progress is being made clearly and mark achievements. You may start off setting a benchmark in a few statements such as “I wish to quadruple the amount of conversion rate for unbranded keywords”, or “I want to increase my website’s organic traffic search by 30 percent over a spread of four months”. Those are benchmarks that you can set on a monthly timeframe and see the progress each month, then you may compare it to the goals that you have set. When at loss at some of the important benchmarks on a website according to SEO, some of the essential ones are the unbranded keywords that are found in anchor text, the amount of unbranded keywords affecting conversions and traffic, backlink diversity, social channel grouped by social signals, the quantity of indexed pages, and organic search traffic according to the amount of unique visitors compared to the percentage of overall traffic for the website.


4. Setting Expectations


Expectations are somewhat like dreams and figures that you would like your website to have according to SEO. SEO reporting is much more than reading and being on top of the SEO ranking data- SEO is a constant and on-going process of uncovering and discovering unbranded keywords that have a high conversion rate to drive organic search traffic and engagement through a visitor’s conversion. Using that precious information and taking action to establish a significant web presence today and tomorrow is what it is all about. Ranking first in Google search using a particular set of keywords does not necessarily mean a great success. Creating a consistent impact means a progressively increased conversion and growth of organic search traffic, expanding upon popular and relevant keywords and discovering high-converting ones, plus content footprint index are what makes SEO a success. SEO efforts truly shine when conversions by keyword are clearly seen and rise up monthly, offsite and onsite pages are indexed thoroughly, and organic visits and traffic are high and there is a relevant organic position.


A Wise Choice for an Excel Report Alternative


Excel report is undeniably an essential part of any SEO toolbox which is an important component of SEO reporting and greatly contributes to its success. This is due to the versatility of Excel in storing data and projecting visuals and calculations based on the collected data. However, it could be tremendously time-consuming to dig up Excel values and information from the massive amount of text in the data it contains to be able to address any SEO and Analytics concerns, including:


  • Catching duplicate URLs and removing them from the system
  • Extracting domain names from URL information
  • Segregating title and meta description tags, keywords and any other page element.
  • Converting upper case URL entries into lower case URLs
  • Catching duplicate words used for keyword research
  • Creating charts that suits each type of data for better reporting and analysis


These are only some issues that Excel can quickly do for you, there’s so much more this computer software can do for you such as directly import data coming from the API, allowing it to gather even the most complex data intelligently. Excel can create and organize advanced spreadsheets and have pivot tables populated quickly. This capability creates accurate reports and constitutes successful SEO reporting. With all these highly beneficial uses of Excel report, there is even a better option found in DashThis, considering the amount of money required in hiring people to maintain consistency in SEO reports. It significantly reduces not only the money you spend in managing your SEO reports, but your valuable time as well since it lets you achieve in minutes what would normally take you hours on end. It is wise move to use DashThis autopilot SEO reporting tool for an extremely useful and efficient Excel report alternative for your SEO needs.


Tracking Organic Keyword Rankings


A good SEO ranking report that would be distinctive from your competitors is one that has been made and generated with careful planning and diligence, for you have to really dedicate hard work into it. To break free from the exact same keywords other companies are targeting, you must take a small step ahead by using tools which will lead you beyond just keywords. The best way to run keyword ranking reports would be through the use of keyword ranking tools such as Moz and Semrush. These tools provide the best means of tracking organic keyword rankings for your Company’s great benefit.


Utilizing the right and effective keywords will help you climb your way up search engine results. Checking the top keywords your competitors or the big players are targeting would be helpful in determining your own keyword ranking report. It is imperative to gather details on keyword, position, search volume, URL, traffic, and number of results for your SEO reporting.


Moz Rank Tracker


This great tool retrieves and stores page and keyword search engine rankings for you for later comparison. It supports ranking on all major search engines namely Google, Yahoo and Bing. It generates information on how much traffic keywords have attracted to websites. With the data presented to you, you can easily track your performance as compared to your competition.


Your rankings overview shows a high level, thorough and optimized breakdown of data during the time frame you have chosen to review. All the data collected for you is presented under headings – search engine, opportunities and competition. The Engines tab allow you to check out how your keywords are performing in each search engine. Your current rank is shown, changes from the last time it was updated and if it is tracked nationally or locally. The keywords are listed and can be sorted and clicked to see the analysis page. The Competition tab shows comparison between you and your competition. Keyword tracking information is listed as well whether locally or nationally and statistics where you and competitors currently rank.


The Opportunities tab shows keywords that have been driving traffic to your site but is not being tracked yet, this lets you easily include it by clicking on the track button. In the Moz overview, you can conveniently filter results by label, rank, search engine, or any other data entered. You can even get into Domain authority info, link metrics, title tags and anchor text which will let you explore and discover opportunities for a remarkable ranking improvement. With the knowledge you gain, you will be able to optimize your page content and fix any errors or issues reported by Moz crawlers. With Moz, you can boost your performance and keep track of it over time and surely your efforts will pay off very soon as long as you know what you are doing in utilizing the best keywords.




This tool provides insights into the strategies implemented by your competitors in aspects of link building, display advertising and organic and paid search. Organic research lets you see the best keywords used by competition, lets you uncover organic competitors and monitor domain position changes. Their keyword research feature allows finding the ideal, tried and tested keywords for your SEO campaign. You can easily gather information on related keywords and phrase matches, you will be able to get long tail keywords and explore international environments. Highly useful information is generated under every keyword such as volume, CPC, number of results and so much more. Knowing this definitely adds value to the keywords you choose to incorporate in your site which would surely make up a formidable SEO report.

Stéphane Stéphane Guérin

Stéphane has been working on business web projects for more than 15 years. After creating and selling numerous web marketing agencies and web apps, he founded DashThis in 2011. 

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