How to add all your clients Google Analytics Profiles?

Google Analytics Profiles

Well, there are two ways around this. First, you give yourself access to your clients’ accounts by adding your Google Account as a user of theirs.

This way, you’ll see their Google Analytics profiles in your DashThis account. This might be simpler if you create Advanced Segments that are used for many clients.


The second option would be to add each client’s account one after the other. But you’ll have to connect for each one as it’s needed for security reason.

But once they are added, there is no need to log in again. The operation on linking Google Analytics accounts into DashThis is required only once.

Stéphane Stéphane Guérin

Stéphane has been working on business web projects for more than 15 years. After creating and selling numerous web marketing agencies and web apps, he founded DashThis in 2011. 

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