Product Update: January 2018

Product Update: January 2018

We’re back from the Holidays and we are reeeady to rumble! The last couple of weeks have been filled with that sparkling new year energy, and the team at DashThis has been working hard to come up with amazing upgrades I can’t wait to tell you about!


Hang on tight, ‘cause you’re about to be swept off your feet!



Dashboard cloning is now easier than ever

Yes indeed, the cloning process has been optimized this last month, as you’re now able to reuse the exact same sources from a dashboard to another when cloning it, in a completely automated way. Of course, you’re still able to replace any source if needed, but you don’t HAVE to go through this process if it’s not necessary for you. Yay!




CSV files handling has taken another step

The “Send by mail” button in your CSV file section has been upgraded. Now, instead of opening your default email app, it generates a pop-up from which you can copy the email address associated to your dashboards. You can paste this address into a message and send or get someone to send your CSV file directly to your DashThis account.


automated csv sending


Your CSV file transfer by email is now much more intuitive and efficient. Wanna learn more about the new function? Read all about it in our help center!



Other quick fixes:

  • The Google Search Console filters have been re-written so they’re now clearer and make your navigation easier.
  • Using the Country ISO code dimension for the Facebook Ads integration used to lead to a source error, which has been fixed.
  • The hashtag filter used with Twitter metrics is now displayed when viewing your widget details or opening the widget edition panel. Hurray for the hashtag filter!
  • When editing a trend widget, it now refreshes itself flawlessly even after deleting the last metric entered.
  • We did a bit of a clean up in the Facebook Insights preset widgets of the rolling and campaign dashboards so that you can find the widgets you’re looking for in a nick of time!


Way to start a year, right? And the good news is it’s only the beginning. Stay tuned for even more awesomeness to come!

Happy reporting!

DashThis The Team at DashThis

DashThis is the power behind thousands of reporting dashboards created by and delivered for agencies and digital marketers every month. Try it out for yourself!

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