As DashThis removes the pain from your reporting, so does Snipcart remove the pain of e-commerce. Both automate otherwise repetitive processes!
As of today, DashThis will no longer support Magento directly. However, you can still access your Magento data by going through Google Analytics.
Creating your reports manually is like using a rotary phone. Does it do the job? Sure. Is it the best way to do it? Of course not.
We updated our website - come explore our new look!
Data is better understood when it's shown through a clear visual graph. Use a pie/list/bar widget to showcase your data!
DashThis is for reporting, not data mining. What you want isn't sliced and diced data, but a static view of how things went during a time period.
Don’t miss out!
Automate your reports!
Bring all your marketing data into one automated report.
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