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Campaign Manager 360 Dashboards (Previously Doubleclick)

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Google's Campaign Manager is the tool you want if you need to manage your digital advertising campaigns across multiple platforms within one simple tool. And while you can use their reporting tool to see your DCM data, creating Campaign Manager dashboards with DashThis allows you to see ALL your data together, including data from every other platform you use!

  • 14 +

    Preset Widgets

  • 17 +

    Metrics & Dimensions

  • 2 +

    Dashboard Templates

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Your Campaign Manager dashboards could look this great

See this dashboard in action here!

White label Campaign Manager Dashboard Your logo

Whether your own or your client’s logo, make your report reflect your brand!

All-in-one Campaign Manager Dashboard All-in-one

Drag-and-drop your widgets onto your dashboard to create a clean report layout that includes all the information you need.

Custom DoubleClick Campaign Manager Dashboard Your Data

Customize your widgets to show the data you want, the way you want to.

Available Preset Widgets

Featuring the most common KPIs, these widgets are ready to use! Drag, drop, done!

DoubleClick Campaign Manager Dashboard Preset Widgets
  • top placement doubleclick campaign manager dashboards

    Top Placement by Impressions

    This list widget shows your top ad placements in order of number of impressions.

  • click rate doubleclick campaign manager dashboards

    Click Rate Over Time

    This trend widget shows how your ad’s click rate has evolved over time.

  • conversion performance doubleclick campaign manager dashboards

    Conversion Performance

    This multi-column list widget shows your Cost Per Conversion, Cost Per Revenue, and Total Conversions together in order to see the relationship between the three metrics.

  • impressions doubleclick campaign manager dashboards


    This historic widget shows the total number of times that your ad was shown to your target audience.

Want to see all our Campaign Manager preset widgets?
You’ll find them in your new dashboard!

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Available Metrics, Segments, & Dimensions

These are the top 10 metrics and dimensions users usually include in their Campaign Manager dashboards:

Total Conversions Revenue
This shows the total revenue for all conversions, including both click-through as well as view-through conversions.
Cost Per Conversion
This is the derived cost for your ad campaign divided by the number of conversions.
This shows the number of impressions.
View-through Revenue
This shows the total amount of revenue attributed to view-through conversions. View-through conversions are those that occur when a customer sees an ad, then completes a conversion on your site without clicking on another ad.
Click-through Conversions
This shows all the conversions that occur in the particular reporting period that can be attributed to a click on an ad.
Click Rate
This shows the percentage of impressions that result in a user clicking an ad. This is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions, then multiplying the total by 100.
This shows the estimated total amount of money spent on the campaign or ad during the chosen time frame.
Cost Per Revenue
This is the cost of your media divided by the total revenue.
This dimension allows you to isolate your data by a single Floodlight tracking element used to track any action (such as a click, download, lead, or sale) performed by a user on your site after that user has clicked on or seen your ad.
DFA Placement (GA Model)
This dimension allows you to isolate your data by the DCM site placement name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (premium only).

Want to see all Campaign Manager's metrics, segments & dimensions?
You’ll find them in your new dashboard!

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Other Useful Integrations

Get a more inclusive view of your data by including these integrations in your dashboard too:

Digital Marketing reporting dashboard

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